Gathering my thoughts from the last trips

The last trip  was to  Albrough and it left us with  a feeling in side that we really need to go back again as we did not get to see every thing.   We know there is a boating lake, as well as a  beach that you can walk along. Unlike the part I was going to do, but with most things that are experimental in life they tend to let you down, ie my van.

Its a learning thing you know it will not work out right the first time so we plod on and try again. I made a list of things that were a problem on our last trip, like the microwave did not work as well as it should. ie it lit up but no heating power from it. this turns out to be a simple humble spring that fell off the govner,

That is now sorted and is heating up our pies perfectly, unlike the other day when I had to improvise. I removed the filling from the pies and placed them in a pan to heat up  and put the crusts of the pies under the  grill  then when it was all hot again  rebuilt the pies  and ate them. That was the best I could think of! It worked any way, lol but we also had a problem with filling up the petrol tank on the gene as it’s a tank from a seagull out board  moded to fit in the space, problem is I could not fill it as to high up in the  locker so to get anything in it I had to use the cup from the can  to fill. It took a long time to do this ,so today I’ve  took an old paddy can as they are called and some sliding kitchen draw sliders and welded them to the top of the tank and bolted that to the top of the locker, now the tank slides out so making filling simpler.

The other thing is the van don’t really look good with the rough body.  So I did some modding on the back end as well as fitting a ladder. The ladder is there so I can climb up and place a TV antenna on the roof and as well to give people the impression Im a motor home as well, all it needs now is some paint but cant do this till everything is done ie filling the  gaps on the sides this is were the GRP is butted together sealed inside but as yet not out.

Also the stereos have no antennas as well so this is also being addressed with some flexible rubber jobs lol  that will be mounted over the cab of the van. I will put pics up in the morning as getting late. So conclusion is Im ready for the next trip almost..